Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bursting the bubble

I started researching on line. I knew I liked the lines of the greenland style boats, so I decided to find a handful of designers who were having good luck, and start with some tried and true designs. I settled on 4 similar boats thinking that I would probably learn more about the subtleties of the craft than 4 entirely different boats. I also figured if I got stuck with too many boats, I had better like them. A solid marketing plan if I do say so.

I ordered plans for a Guillemot 'Night Heron', a One Ocean 'Expedition', a Redfish 'King' and Bjorn Thomasson 'Hunter'. I started a file on related websites and found that people really do blog about everything. The hard part is seeing who actually knows anything.

Just because you know JAVA, FLASH and HTML, doesn't mean you actually know boat building. This was an early enlightenment. Just because someone makes a pretty web-page doesn't mean they are actually human. Consider Myspace. There was one bit where the builder said, don't worry about that glue dripping down in long lines, it will come off later. No mention of a wet rag to mop it off, or possibly of using a tad less glue or that fact that the shear strength of the glue is greater than the shear strength of all soft woods and most hardwoods. Who is this mental giant? As the blog wore on I could see that the project was not going well. Not our intrepid builder though, he soldiered on. The final pictures were kinda special, in that he looked rather terrified to be in the boat.

But there are also many really great resources out there, too. One Ocean has a fabulous construction guide chock full of great ideas. All the above mentioned designers have some sort of website with some being far more extensive than others. Each one offers some unique construction tips, and a thorough search is advised. If there is one thing I know for sure; in carpentry, there are many solutions and approachs to each construction problem. I always look for the elegant way. ( read quick, slick and easy ) In my research, I found some long time builders that have streamlined their techniques and details. Some guys gloss over filleting details where some obsess. There are great ideas about stapeless construction, and some great hardware/hatch solutions. Everyone has a different idea what is correct, so use an open mind to absorb all ideas and sort through what seems right for you.

I settled on building the Redfish King first because I like his external strong back technique and it lends it self to multiple builds where as internal spines can be very boat specific. I built my strong back to heavier standards with this in mind, and with 4 supports to aid in leveling and staying level. I'll let you know this works out.

Purchasing the supplies was far easier than I anticipated, although the cost wasn't. I found a supplier of 20 foot clear cedar boards. I found a Marine repair supplier for glass and epoxy. All here in the true north. I ordered a rudder kit from One Ocean, and if I can't find a minicell foam supplier, I'll order a seat from Redfish.

I built all the sections for the strong back, and put them in a pile. I then built a few fairing boards out of eighth inch and quarter inch Luan plywood. I also made one out of three eighths wiggle wood. This turns out to be the best one. I use the cheapest, biggest belt sand paper that I can find from the chinese import hardware store. 50, 80 and 120 grit. Next I constructed 16 feet of out feed table to sit on my sawhorses for the ripping process.

A word about my shop. It is L shaped with the short leg being 10 by 16. The long leg with the door to lean-to shed open, is 42 feet. Just enough room with my table saw and router table set up in the middle. There is no direct entrance either. That means the 20 foot boards had to come in a second storey window and angle down to the first floor shop. The structure I live in is half gutted, which means that half of the half storey floor is gone. Which is kinda like an atrium. The fire inspector was slack jawed. I'm not thinking about getting the boat out at this point because it hasn't been built. Sound logic.

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